Food and nature hike with an archaeological twist
Join us for a unique all-day hike Along the Skåne Trail with Archaeologist Ann-Louise’s Ferngård and get a unique experience of archaeology, Ancient flavors and wonderful nature experiences. During our hike from Brösarp to Kivik we discover the secrets of the landscape; What has shaped it and what lies beneath the ground. Dunes, burial grounds, old fishing villages, hidden human destinies and the kites screaming in the sky create the very best mix for an unforgettable experience.
On two occasions we let the taste buds take the experience. At Havängsdösen we sit down and eat a lunch with flavors from ancient times. Once in Kivik we sit down by the fire outside Kiviksgraven where we prepare and eat our prehistoric inspired dinner. The ingredients are authentic, but Isabel Brummer at Taste Celebration has created the recipes for the very best dining experience in a modern twist. The hike is carried out in small groups, maximum of 15 participants, for the best service to all. The experience is performed in English.
22/4, 19/5, 26/5,16/6, 18/8, 25/8 7/9 21/9
Must be preebooked!
1150 SEK/person
What you can expect
The hike runs along the Skåne trail and starts dramatically with the passing of Brösarps old execution gallow. Here countless many have been guilty of their crimes with life. Sometimes, circumstances have led to the punishment, sometimes life choices made you end up here.
During the continued hike we pass both “Bengtemölla” and “Bockamöllan”. Both are watermills that throughout history have been used to grind grains of various kinds. Just east of them we come to Bosarps old grounds.
The hike goes in beautiful scenery along the Verkeån, over the museum railway and further to the east, towards the sea. We pass the Iron Age graves and the entire burial grounds of the ancient Iron Age town of Maletofta. Once by the sea we sit down and eat a meal at the fantastic Stone age grave Havängsdösen. With expansive views of the sea we taste the flavors of ancient times in a modern twist.
When we then start hiking again, we pass below the place where Maletofta was built in 200 AD. Many fantastic stories and bargains come from there! Now we walk along the sea and can look out over the place where the trees still stand as in a forest on the sea bottom. There it has stood for almost 10 000 years!
The trail goes on through the old fishing village Vitemölla with its fantastic history and below Kivik’s famous market place. We pass drying places for eel fishing nets, Kiviks Chapel and Kivik Harbour to end up by the fire next to the great Bronze Age Cairn Kiviksgraven. Here we prepare and eat a good meal inspired by the antiquity, talk about our experiences and then end with a visit inside Kiviksgraven and its petroglyph covered chamber.
- Archaeologist Ann-Louise S Ferngård as a guide
- Food
- Entrance to Kiviksgraven with guide
- Travel to and from the start and end point
- Drinking water
Departure/return trip
- Starts northeast of Brösarp, the pirate’s resting place Road 9, Brösarp.
- Ends at Kiviksgraven, Bredarörsvägen 18, Kivik